
What Is The Difference Between Slow Cooker And Crock Pot

On my 27th birthday, my Mom gave me a gift I hadn't even asked for: My first slow cooker. I wasn't too thrilled at first (I was hoping for cash!), but within weeks I realized that it was probably one of the best gifts I had ever gotten. Not only did it make my meals a whole lot tastier, it also made my Sunday evening meal prepping way more convenient (yes, despite the name "slow cooker" it even saved me time).

Here's the thing, though: Every time that I'd be sitting at home Googling slow cooker recipes, this one simple word would keep popping up in every recipe that I found: Crockpot. As much as I loved my slow cooker, I got curious: What's a Crockpot and why is it different from a slow cooker? Let's dive right in.

Is a Crockpot the same thing as a slow cooker?

A quick Google search leads me to the official Crockpot website -  Where the Crockpot is repeatedly referred to as 'The original slow cooker.' Does that mean a Crockpot is simply a variation of the slow cooker? Are they the same exact thing after all?

After a little more research it becomes pretty clear: A Crockpot is a type of slow cooker – but not every slow cooker is a Crockpot.

Crock Pot Slow Cooker|8 Quart

Crock Pot Slow Cooker|8 Quart



Crockpot is, in fact, the name of a brand that debuted the first slow cooker variation (a bean cooker marketed toward working mothers) over 40 years ago. Today, the Crockpot is a brand of slow cookers (and pressure cookers), and while there are other slow cooker brands (for example KitchenAid and Black+Decker), Crockpot is arguably the most popular one, especially considering the name is even being used interchangeably with the term "slow cooker," even though they're not the exact same thing. You could compare that to brands like Kleenex and Band-Aid, that have become originators in their niche in the past (Who even uses the term facial tissue?!) only to go through a process called "genericization" when they got too popular.

But that's neither here nor there.

What are the differences between the two?

Now that we know that every Crockpot is a slow cooker but not every slow cooker is a Crockpot, let's have a look at the technical differences.

The most basic Crockpots offer three settings: On/Off, low slow cook, and high slow cook, which is comparable to many other slow cooker brands. Models have advanced over the years though, and now come with digital timers, a keep-warm setting, and other special options – like this Crockpot that you can conveniently control with an app on your phone.

Instant Pot DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Use

Instant Pot DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Use

Instant Pot


When we look at the material, it's evident that slow cookers and Crockpots consist of the same three components: Glass lid, pot, and heating element. However, Crockpots generally have ceramic or porcelain pots, while most slow cookers have a metal pot.

As with a lot of cooking appliances, the biggest difference comes from the distribution of heat. The pot of the slow cooker usually sits on a base that houses the heating element on the bottom, while Crockpots have their pots inside of a container (or crock) and get heating from all sides. Therefore, slow cookers heat up slower than crockpots, with the heat level higher on the bottom of the pot. This results in food cooking slightly differently.

Is one better than the other?

Both slow cookers and Crockpots look quite similar with their pots, lids and heating elements and both use moist heat to cook food over an extended period of time. Obviously, both are great options to make your meals healthier, cheaper and more convenient. But is one better than the other?

Since the heating element of most slow cookers sits on the bottom, some dishes might burn or stick to the bottom if not stirred. If you're planning to cook your meals mostly when you're not home or overnight, then sticking to a Crockpot might be a better choice, since the heat distribution is more even and there is no need to stir at all. Additionally, a Crockpot can cook bigger pieces of meat more evenly than a slow cooker and it makes them exceptionally tender.

There are plenty of slow cooker brands and some specialize in cooking specific things like stews, soups or meat, so it's important to know what you want from your future slow cooker. The brand aside, you should also pay attention to styles and sizes of slow cookers. For example, a 1-to-3 quart slow cooker is ideal for singles and couples, while larger families should go for 6-to-7 quart products.


My personal take? Being the proud owner of both a Crockpot and another slow cooker brand, I'd say that the Crockpot is better for beginners and also a bit more convenient. I love the fact that I can 'set and forget' with the Crockpot and have a delicious meal ready for me when I get home from work.

Also, if you're not vegetarian or vegan, a Crockpot might also be the better choice just because it makes the meat insanely tender and juicy. I'm personally not too much into soups and stews, so Crockpot is a better choice for me.

Take this with a grain of salt though – After all, I didn't even know what slow cookers and Crockpots were until I was 27.

What Is The Difference Between Slow Cooker And Crock Pot


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